Small footprint
3 stations
Prints receipts
High quality tamper-proof thermal printers
Bar code security
Accurate and reliable 4-way bar code recognition
Smooth & fast operation
Gently takes first tickets, then ramps up to 13 tickets per second... 40% faster!
Holds over 250,000 sliced tickets
Bag-full sensor alerts staff to change bags.
Light on top indicates machine status to staff!
Password secured accounting.
Custom marquees available.
Self-cleaning (patent pending)
High-pressure air blast every 1000 tickets keeps optos dust-free
Fail-safe backup systems
independent computer system for each station
dual power supply units
Self destruct protection (patent pending)
Digital motors provide torque control auto shutdown & restart
Scissor cutter (patent pending)
Low-dust scissor cut
High capacity storage
Assembled Dimensions:
3 Sided Station - 84cm(L) x 92cm(W) x 192cm(H) 145Kg